Fairly Traded Chocolate

At PLAYinCHOC we’re a lot of things. We’re child, slave and animal labour free, we’re dairy, nut and gluten free, and we’re plastic free. 

In every sense of the word, we’re fairly traded - but we’re not Fairtrade certified, and here’s why!

What Is Fairtrade Chocolate?

The Fairtrade Foundation has a global reach, and they’re recognised across the world by their blue, green and black logo. When a product carries their sticker, they become synonymous with a movement: people pushing for the fair treatment of farmers. But what does this really mean? And what is the reality of Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is about improving the treatment of farmers in low-income or underdeveloped countries. The charity aims to address injustices regarding pay, working conditions, sustainability and trade. Many different products can be Fairtrade: chocolate, coffee, tea, bananas, sugar and herbs. 

In theory, this is an extremely worthwhile cause. However, in practice, it is unclear whether farmers are actually benefiting from the movement:

Lack of Transparency: Some critics argue that the fair trade logo lacks transparency in terms of how the premiums paid by consumers are distributed along the supply chain. It has been suggested that the premiums may not always reach the farmers or workers directly, and there may be intermediaries or organisations that take a significant portion of the funds.
Limited Impact: Fair trade certification focuses primarily on ensuring a minimum price for cocoa beans and promoting better working conditions for farmers. However, it does not necessarily address other important issues, such as environmental sustainability, child labor, or improving productivity and quality. Critics argue that fair trade alone may not be sufficient to drive meaningful and comprehensive change in the chocolate industry.
Complexity and Cost: Obtaining fair trade certification can be a complex and costly process, particularly for small-scale farmers who may lack the necessary resources and infrastructure. This can create barriers to entry and limit the number of producers who can participate in the fair trade system, potentially excluding some farmers who could benefit from fair trade practices.
Market Saturation: The fair trade market has become more saturated over time, with an increasing number of products bearing the fair trade logo. This can lead to dilution of the impact, as some consumers may become desensitised to the logo or find it difficult to differentiate between different fair trade products. This poses challenges for both consumer awareness and the ability of fair trade producers to stand out in the market.
Alternative Certification Systems: In recent years, alternative certification systems and initiatives have emerged, offering different approaches to promoting sustainability and ethical practices in the chocolate industry. These include direct trade models, farmer-owned cooperatives, and initiatives focusing on specific issues like deforestation or child labor. This diversification has created competition for fair trade certification and raised questions about the effectiveness and relevance of the fair trade logo.

Many of the disadvantages of Fairtrade products, for farmers, commerce stores and customers, revolve around money. In short, while Fairtrade should be a wholly good thing, it isn’t always fair

Not Fairtrade, But Fairly Traded

Our chocolate isn’t Fairtrade because, in short, we believe that we can do it better. At PLAYinCHOC, we go the extra mile to make sure that our 100% organic farmed products are fairly traded; from bean to bar, we ensure that everything is fairly sourced, highest possible quality and sustainably farmed.

  • Fairly Sourced: Our chocolate is made from organic single origin Peruvian cacao beans. As they are single origin, we know exactly where they come from, and how they’ve travelled from point A to point B. We pride ourselves on exclusively sourcing beans from small, family owned farms, which allows us to support local, independent farmers. 
  • High Quality: We believe that chocolate should be pure and natural, which is why our bars contain just three 100% organic ingredients: cacao, coconut and vanilla. From the finest Madagascan bourbon vanilla to the best Indonesian creamed coconut, selecting high quality products is our priority. 
  • Sustainable: Everything about our chocolate is sustainable, from the way the soil and crops are treated to the way it’s made to the way that it’s packaged and sold. Everything is made in the UK. We only use paper-based materials that are recyclable, biodegradable and home compostable. This means that you can enjoy great tastes without worrying about the environmental impact. 

We’re not Fairtrade but we are fairly traded, which means: 

  • Our farmers aren’t subject to high fees. 
  • We can support small, independent farmers without being restricted to unfair cooperatives.
  • Our pricing only reflects our 100% organic highest quality ingredients, and our commitment to the environment, while still being affordable. 

JOY + HEALTH + PLANET is our philosophy, and this isn’t something that we could embody without making every effort to be fairly traded - something that we succeed at every day. 

Fairly Traded Products With PLAYinCHOC. 

Fairly traded chocolate comes in all shapes and sizes. There’s sometimes a misconception that healthy, organic products that are good for you and good for the planet, are boring, and with PLAYinCHOC this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Most of our chocolates come with a toy because we want kids to be able to learn, play and have fun all at the same time. With rabbit, woodland animal, endangered animal and dinosaur collections available, as well as an exciting new Christmas collection, there’s something for everyone. No matter what your kids are interested in, we have something for them to explore and enjoy. You can offer them a delicious and fun snacking experience, while being secure in the knowledge that you aren’t hurting the planet - quite the opposite!

Take a look at our collections today, and transform your approach to organic chocolate forever. While we’re not Fairtrade, we are fairly traded and while the difference is small, the benefits are enormous.

If you have any questions about our products, or about our approach, then don’t hesitate to get in touch


PLAYin CHOC Awards

We are very proud of the recognition PLAYin CHOC has received. More on our blog...


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