Intellectual property notice
1. Copyright Notice
© Playin Choc Ltd, All Rights Reserved. The content of this website is protected by the copyright laws of England and Wales and by international laws and conventions. No content from this website may be copied, reproduced or revised without the prior written consent of Playin Choc Ltd. Copies of content may be saved and/or printed for personal use only
2. Registered Trade Mark Notice
PLAYin CHOC ® is a registered trade mark of Playin Choc Ltd in Classes 16, 28, 30 under registration numbers:
UK - UK00003202000
WIPO: AU - EM - JP - KR - NZ - US - 1400076
Australia - Local registration no.: 1923991
EU - 1400076 (WIPO no.)
Japan - 1400076 (WIPO no.)
South Korea - Local registration no.: 4020190075245
New Zealand - Local registration no.: 1138102
USA - Local reg. no.: 6026037
3. Trade Mark Application Notice
PLAYin CHOC ® is the subject of international trade mark registration applications by Playin Choc Ltd.
4. Registered Design Notice
Playin Choc Ltd has registered PLAYin Choc ® packaging in Class 09, Subclass 03 as registered designs in the UK under numbers: 6016896, 6016895, 6016894
Playin Choc Ltd has registered designs (series 1 endangered animals) in the UK under numbers 6008792, 6008791, 6008800, 6008799, 6008798, 6008797, 6008796, 6008795, 6008794, 6008793, 6008788, 6008781, 6008782, 6008783, 6008784, 6008785, 6008786, 6008787, 6008789, 6008790, 6028113, 6028114
5. Registered Design Application Notice
Playin Choc Ltd registered designs are the subject of international registration applications by Playin Choc Ltd.